Durham population changes

In 2022, the total population of Durham postcode area was 315k and it increased by 27.8k people since 2002. That's 9.7% population growth . Population average age was 41.9 and it increased by 2.4 years since 2002. The postcode area was ageing faster than England and Wales in which the age grew by 2 years in the same period. The population was growing slower than population in England and Wales which grew by 14.5%.


population growth since 2002


population growth since 2002

+2.4 yrs

average age change
since 2002

Durham headcount change rank

Compares speed of population growth to other postcode areas. Areas with the highest population growth are on the left. Shows relative population change between 2002 and 2022.

Durham headcount change rank by year

Durham headcount change map

Compares the latest population estimates with population estimates in 2002 and shows percentage difference.

Durham headcount change map

Durham population growth rate

Shows year over year population change.

Durham population growth rate

Durham population growth

Shows total population by year.

Durham population growth

Durham average age change map

Shows population's average age change since 2002.

Durham average age change map

Durham population average age change rank

Compares the speed of average age change in the postcode areas. Areas with the fastest ageing population are on the left, the areas with their population becoming younger are on the right. Compares change between 2002 and 2022.

Durham population average age change rank by year

Durham population average age

Annual statistics of population's average age.

Durham population average age by year

Durham male and female average age

Annual statistics of population's average age by sex.

Durham male and female average age by year

Durham population changes compared to other areas

Comparison to other postcode areas. Metrics show a percentage change in the headcount between 2002 and 2022 on y-axis and change of the population's average age on x-axis. The size of the circle is directly proportional to the total population in 2022.

Durham population changes compared to other areas relative to other postcode areasHeadcount percentage change
Population average age change

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Plumplot area insights - interactive maps and charts

Next for Durham postcode area

→ Population  

→ Census 2021  

→ Crime statistics  

→ Home energy efficiency  

→ Energy costs  

→ Property prices  

→ Salary and unemployment  

→ Home features  
