South West robbery crime statistics

Annual crime rate in South West region is 0.7 crimes per 1000 people. Compared to the national crime rate, South West's rate is at 55% as of January 2025.Robbery crime makes up 0.8% of all crimes reported in the region. The total number of "robbery crime" is 3.7k, and this number has increased by 10.8% when compared year-over-year in the period of January 2024 - December 2024.

South West regioncrime statisticEngland & Wales
0.7 annual crime rate per 1k workday people1.3
55% ratio of national crime rate100%
0.8% share of all crimes1.3%
3.7k crimes reported73.1k
10.8% annual change0.3%

South West robbery crime rate comparison map

South West robbery crime rate comparison map
CountyCrime rate vs. ENG & WLS rateCrime rate per 1000 workday peopleTotal number of crimes

South West robbery crime rate rank

Crime rate ranking : 3. lowest crime rate out of 9 regions

South West robbery crime rate rank

South West robbery crime rate compared to other regions

The total number of "robbery crime" is 3.7k, and this number has increased by 10.8% when compared year-over-year in the period of January 2024 - December 2024. In the graph below, region are compared by crime rate and crime rate percentage change. Crime rate percentage change compares the region crime rate between January 2024 - December 2024 to the region crime rate in the previous 12 months. The size of the circle reflects the number of total crimes reported. The bigger the circle, the higher the number of crimes reported in the region.

+10.8% annual change, crime is increasing

3.7k crimes reported

South West robbery crime rate compared to other regionsCrime rate percentage change
Crime rate per 1000 workday people

South West robbery crime volume

Number of crime incidents by month from January 2014 to December 2024.

South West robbery crime volume

South West robbery crime rate

Crime rate per 1000 workday people compared to the national crime rate by year.

South West robbery crime rate

South West robbery crime seasonality

Total number of crimes reported in a given calendar month (1 = January … 12 = December) in the previous five years, i.e. from 2020 till 2024.

South West robbery crime seasonality

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Plumplot area insights - interactive maps and charts

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