◉ plumplot 

House price to residence-based earnings ratio

Affordability ratios calculated by dividing house prices by gross annual earnings, based on the median of both house prices and earnings. A higher ratio indicates that on average, it is less affordable for a resident to purchase a house in their local authority district. Annual estimates of earnings are based on the tax year that ended on 5th April in the reference year and relate to employees on adult rates of pay who have been in the same job for more than a year.

East Midlands4.
East of England5.
England and Wales5.
North East3.
North West3.
South East6.
South West6.
West Midlands4.

Earnings ratio for 2002 - 2018

Homeimage/svg+xmlOpencliparteco green house icon2012-05-29T15:40:56https://openclipart.org/detail/170282/eco-green-house-icon-by-cybergedeondominiquechappardecologygreenhomehouseicon