The average property price in Bromley postcode area is £566k, the median price is £490k. The average price declined by £-2.5k (0%) over the last twelve months. The price of an established property is £566k. The price of a newly built property is £725k. There were 3.1k property sales and sales dropped by 14.8% (-571 transactions). Most properties were sold in the £500k-£750k price range with 917 (29.7%) properties sold, followed by £300k-£400k price range with 585 (18.9%) properties sold.
December 2023 - November 2024 | Bromley postcode area | England & Wales |
Average price | █ £566k | █ £346k |
Median price | █ £490k | █ £272k |
shows a number of properties sold in a given price range between December 2023 - November 2024.
Property price range | Market share | Sales volume |
█ £50k-£100k | 0.6% | 18 |
█ £100k-£150k | 1.0% | 31 |
█ £150k-£200k | 1.7% | 51 |
█ £200k-£250k | 4.2% | 131 |
█ £250k-£300k | 7.0% | 215 |
█ £300k-£400k | 18.9% | 585 |
█ £400k-£500k | 18.8% | 582 |
█ £500k-£750k | 29.7% | 917 |
█ £750k-£1M | 11.2% | 345 |
█ over £1M | 6.9% | 213 |
This price map shows the average property price in a given postcode sector. The most affordable place is 'BR1 1' with the average price of £328k. The most expensive place is 'BR2 6', £1.5M.
Comparison of the average property price and an average price percentage change by postcode area. Price % change compares the average property price between December 2023 - November 2024 to the average price in the previous 12 months. The size of the circle shows the number of property transactions. The bigger the circle the higher the sales volumes in postcode area.
With the average price of £566k, Bromley is the 12. most pricey postcode area out of 105 England and Wales' postcode areas.
Price ranking | ||
Rank | postcode area | Average price |
1. | W, West London | £1.2M |
2. | SW, South West London | £954k |
3. | NW, North West London | £950k |
4. | WC, Western Central London | £941k |
5. | EC, East Central London | £900k |
6. | N, North London | £733k |
7. | KT, Kingston upon Thames | £668k |
8. | AL, St Albans | £624k |
9. | TW, Twickenham | £596k |
10. | HA, Harrow | £592k |
... | ||
12. | BR, Bromley | £566k |
... | ||
95. | HX, Halifax | £196k |
96. | HU, Hull | £189k |
97. | BD, Bradford | £189k |
98. | WN, Wigan | £185k |
99. | DN, Doncaster | £180k |
100. | FY, Blackpool | £175k |
101. | DL, Darlington | £170k |
102. | BB, Blackburn | £168k |
103. | TS, Cleveland | £163k |
104. | DH, Durham | £156k |
105. | SR, Sunderland | £138k |
Yearly average nominal house prices adjusted for inflation.
Real average price - nominal price adjusted for inflation | ||
Year | Bromley postcode area | England & Wales |
2024 | £566k | £346k |
2023 | £626k | £391k |
2022 | £718k | £440k |
2021 | £700k | £434k |
2020 | £668k | £412k |
2019 | £650k | £394k |
2018 | £674k | £403k |
2017 | £702k | £412k |
2016 | £681k | £406k |
2015 | £639k | £394k |
2014 | £597k | £387k |
2013 | £546k | £380k |
2012 | £535k | £379k |
2011 | £566k | £389k |
2010 | £572k | £413k |
2009 | £524k | £371k |
2008 | £557k | £393k |
2007 | £602k | £415k |
2006 | £555k | £397k |
2005 | £544k | £379k |
2004 | £546k | £368k |
2003 | £513k | £331k |
2002 | £459k | £298k |
2001 | £412k | £262k |
2000 | £384k | £243k |
1999 | £328k | £221k |
1998 | £290k | £203k |
1997 | £265k | £192k |
1996 | £253k | £180k |
1995 | £248k | £177k |
Yearly average nominal prices compared to England & Wales' house prices
Nominal average price | ||
Year | Bromley postcode area | England & Wales |
2024 | £566k | £346k |
2023 | £569k | £355k |
2022 | £588k | £361k |
2021 | £551k | £342k |
2020 | £518k | £320k |
2019 | £489k | £296k |
2018 | £492k | £294k |
2017 | £494k | £290k |
2016 | £469k | £280k |
2015 | £437k | £270k |
2014 | £398k | £258k |
2013 | £355k | £247k |
2012 | £337k | £238k |
2011 | £339k | £233k |
2010 | £327k | £236k |
2009 | £301k | £213k |
2008 | £308k | £217k |
2007 | £319k | £219k |
2006 | £285k | £204k |
2005 | £272k | £189k |
2004 | £265k | £179k |
2003 | £242k | £156k |
2002 | £213k | £138k |
2001 | £188k | £119k |
2000 | £170k | £108k |
1999 | £143k | £96.0k |
1998 | £122k | £85.4k |
1997 | £108k | £78.5k |
1996 | £101k | £71.5k |
1995 | £95.4k | £67.9k |
Yearly average nominal price per square metre compared to England & Wales' house prices
Nominal average price per m2 | ||
Year | Bromley postcode area | England & Wales |
2024 | £5.5k | £3.6k |
2023 | £5.6k | £3.6k |
2022 | £5.7k | £3.7k |
2021 | £5.3k | £3.4k |
2020 | £4.9k | £3.2k |
2019 | £4.8k | £3.0k |
2018 | £4.8k | £3.0k |
2017 | £4.8k | £3.0k |
2016 | £4.7k | £2.9k |
2015 | £4.2k | £2.7k |
2014 | £3.9k | £2.6k |
2013 | £3.4k | £2.5k |
2012 | £3.2k | £2.4k |
2011 | £3.2k | £2.3k |
2010 | £3.1k | £2.3k |
2009 | £2.8k | £2.1k |
2008 | £3.0k | £2.2k |
2007 | £3.0k | £2.3k |
2006 | £2.7k | £2.1k |
2005 | £2.6k | £2.0k |
2004 | £2.5k | £1.8k |
2003 | £2.4k | £1.6k |
2002 | £2.1k | £1.4k |
2001 | £1.8k | £1.2k |
2000 | £1.7k | £1.1k |
1999 | £1.4k | £968 |
1998 | £1.2k | £862 |
1997 | £1.1k | £789 |
1996 | £943 | £709 |
1995 | £900 | £681 |
Yearly average nominal prices
Yearly average nominal prices
Property type | Current average price |
█ Detached | £981k |
█ Flat | £332k |
█ Semi-Detached | £618k |
█ Terraced | £497k |
Local authority | Median house price to median salary ratio in 2023 |
England and Wales | 8.14 |
Bromley | 11.2 |