Newcastle upon Tyne newly built property prices

The price of a newly built property is £274k in Newcastle upon Tyne postcode area. The price declined by £-1.5k (-1%) over the last twelve months. The price of an established property is £207k. There were 532 sales of newly build properties. Most new properties were sold in the £300k-£400k price range with 112 (21.1%) properties sold, followed by £200k-£250k price range with 111 (20.9%) properties sold. Most new homes were sold in NE13 9, with 46 sold to date from December 2023 - November 2024.

December 2023 - November 2024Newcastle upon Tyne postcode areaEngland & Wales
Average price of a new home£274k£377k

Average price change

Newcastle upon Tyne cost comparison of new homes and older homes

December 2023 - November 2024

Newcastle upon Tyne cost comparison of new homes and older homes

New or establishedAverage price
A newly built property£274k
An established property£207k

Newcastle upon Tyne sales share of new homes and older homes

December 2023 - November 2024

Newcastle upon Tyne sales share of new homes and older homes


A newly built property



An established property



total sales volume

Newcastle upon Tyne map of sales of new properties

shows the total volume of new homes sold a given postcode sector.

Newcastle upon Tyne map of sales of new properties

Newcastle upon Tyne new home sales share by price range

shows a sales volume of new homes in a given price range between December 2023 - November 2024. See also Newcastle upon Tyne property sales reports.

Newcastle upon Tyne new home sales share by price range

Property price rangeMarket shareSales volume
under £50k0.6%3
over £1M0.2%1

Newcastle upon Tyne cost comparison of new houses and new flats

December 2023 - November 2024

Newcastle upon Tyne cost comparison of new houses and new flats









Newcastle upon Tyne sales share of new houses and new flats

December 2023 - November 2024

Newcastle upon Tyne sales share of new houses and new flats













Newcastle upon Tyne real new home prices

Yearly average nominal house prices adjusted for inflation

Newcastle upon Tyne real new home prices

Newcastle upon Tyne new home prices compared to England & Wales' new home prices

Yearly average nominal prices

Newcastle upon Tyne new home prices

Newcastle upon Tyne new home prices and nearby areas

Yearly average nominal prices

Newcastle upon Tyne new home prices and nearby areas

Newcastle upon Tyne house prices new vs established

Yearly average nominal prices

Newcastle upon Tyne house prices new vs established

Newcastle upon Tyne annual sales of new homes and older homes

Total sales volumes by year

Newcastle upon Tyne annual sales of new homes and older homes

Plumplot area insights - interactive charts and maps

Plumplot area insights - interactive maps and charts

Other reports for Newcastle upon Tyne postcode area

house prices

house prices per square metre

property transactions

energy costs

salary and unemployment

home features

home energy efficiency

crime statistics

population statistics

plumplot area insights tutorial