Southend-on-Sea population statistics
In 2022, there were 547k residents in Southend-on-Sea postcode area with an average age of 41.5 years. Population density was 1.4k residents per square kilometer. Population grew by 10.8% since 2002 and population average age increased by 2 years in the same period.547k
total residents
estimates 202241.5
average age
estimates 20221.4k
population density
estimates 20222.39
residents per household
Census 2011Southend on Sea population density map
shows a number of residents per square kilometer(km2), estimates from 2020.

Southend on Sea population average age map
Population average age by LSOA (County) in 2018.

Southend on Sea population growth
Total population per year outlines headcount differences.

Southend on Sea population pyramid
shows the distribution of various age groups in a population in 2022. Females are shown on the left, males are shown on the right.

Southend on Sea population share by decade of age
Shares of population age groups compared to corresponding shares of population groups in England & Wales, 2022.

Southend on Sea working age population share
Working age population share compared to working age population share in England & Wales, 2022.

age group | head-count | % share of population | % for Eng & Wales |
0-15 | 104k | 19.1% | 18.5% |
16-64 | 332k | 60.8% | 62.8% |
65+ | 110k | 20.2% | 18.8% |
Southend on Sea average age rank
Comparison of postcode areas average ages, 2022 population estimates.
average age40.8
England & Wales
average age
Southend on Sea population average age
Annual area statistics of Southend-on-Sea's population average age compared to country statistics.

Southend on Sea residential areas map
Purple-colored areas are business or industrial areas. Green-colored areas provide quieter surroundings and better living. Map is based on a UK Census 2011 data. Colors calculated from the ratio of number of residents divided by a number of workday people.

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